
Can It, Berry - Pezberry ficlet

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viiemzee's avatar

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If anybody asked her if she liked Rachel Berry, she'd say 'I like her enough'. She would never admit the true nature of their relationship to anyone, how she had Rachel on speed dail for when nights got lonely, how usually when nights got too lonely, it would lead to inappropriate conversations, and how they would ignore anything the next morning because who would admit to having phone sex with a prude like Berry?!

"Rachel?" she whispered into the phone when the other girl happily picked up.

"Santana, what do you need?"

It always started off like this.

"Cut the chit-chat, what you wearing right now."

She heard a small enticing giggle and she rolled her eyes. Yep, it always started like that.

"Nothing much just…remember those Victoria's Secret panties I told you about a while back?"

Santana bit her bottom lip and looked to her bedroom door. Locked. Good.


"Well…let's just say they're super comfortable."

She gulped. "OK t-then…"

"Already turned on, Lopez?"


She could hear Rachel roll her eyes on the other end as her voice dropped to a sultry growl.

"So, do you have any idea what I'd do to you if I was right there?"

Santana didn't mean to moan, it just kind of happened. Rachel didn't mind though, she just went on…

"God, Berry, I cannot believe we have to do this like…this!"

"Well if you could be a bit more bold with your endevours…"

"Shut up and go on. You were saying?"

She wouldn't admit to anyone that she and Rachel Berry were 'fuck' bodies, no way! But God it was amazing anyways…
Suggested by flaminghemo on Tumblr...


Glee (c) Ryan Murphy
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Adalack's avatar

Come to think of it, she seems to be *using* her, not *respecting* her, really at all... if so, this'd be an extremely abusive "romance" at that between these two girls who canonically appear to hate eachother.